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Your First Visit

Your First Visit

Your First Visit

Welcome to our practice! The first visit will be the opportunity for you to meet our team and for us to establish the patient and health provider relationship. We prefer you fill out your intake information online prior to your visit. Otherwise you will be required to fill it online in the waiting room. Please arrive 15 minutes early if the intake information has not been completed. Before seeing the provider your insurance information will be verified and any copay or cost share will be due prior to seeing the provider.

What to Expect

What to Expect

JAX Family Care is committed to providing exceptional care to our patients and theirloved ones in a safe environment. Our Code of Conduct outlines what we can all do tokeep our patients, staff, and visitors safe.

To provide the best environment for patient care, we expect:

  • Everyone to create a safe, inclusive, equitable and healing environment. Everyone to use respectful language and be considerate of others.
  • Patients to participate in their own care and work together with provider in fullfilling obligations and guidelines set by your insurance and doctor. This includes asking questions if you need help understanding your treatment.
  • Staff are held accountable for the high standards outlined in the employee code of conduct policy.
We Do Not Allow

We Do Not Allow

  • Violence, threatening behavior, or abusive language. We have a zero-tolerance policy.
  • Weapons of any kind.
  • Offensive comments or gestures about age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, ability, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, marital status, or other personal traits.
  • Lewd/sexual behavior or language. Alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Damaging or theft of any items or equip1nent.
  • Disrupting other patients' care or violating their privacy including loud disruptive behavior.
  • Use of recording devices in patient care areas, without permission. Smoking inside the building
Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct

  • Failure to comply with this code of conduct could result in discharge from the clinic or your appointment. Repeated violations of the code of conduct may lead to review of your status as a patient for non-emergency care.
  • Visitors who fail to comply with this code of conduct may be asked to leave and may be restricted from visiting in the future.
  • Violations of this code of conduct that are of a criminal nature may result in referrals to law enforcement authorities for further investigation and possible prosecution.

Set Up Your Visit

Insurance We Accept

We also accept self pay patients

Anthem: BlueCross BlueShield
Cigna Healthcare